Geometry Videos

Introduction to the Geometry Flipped Classroom

How will my Geometry class be different this year?

Introduction to Flipped Learning Classroom

Aaron Sams talks about why he started flipping his classroom and the results he saw.

1-1 Points, Lines and Planes


1-2 Linear Measure


1-3 Midpoint and Distance


1-4 Angle Measure


1-5 Angle Relationships


1-6 Two-Dimensional Figures


1-7 Three-Dimensional Figures


2-1 Inductive Reasoning and Conjecture


2-2 Logic


2-3 Conditional Statements


2-4 Deductive Reasoning


2-5 Postulates and Paragraph Proofs


2-8 Proving Angle Relationships


3-1 Parallel Lines and Transversals


3-2 Angles and Parallel Lines


3-3 Slopes of Lines


3-4 Equations of Lines


3-5 Proving Lines Parallel


3-6 Perpendiculars and Distance


4-1 Classifying Triangles


4-2 Angles of Triangles


4-3 Congruent Triangles


4-4 Proving Triangle Congruence - SSS,SAS


4-5 Proving Triangles Congruent - ASA,AAS


4-6 Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles


4-7 Congruence Transformations


4-8 Triangles and Coordinate Proof


5-1 Bisectors of Triangles


5-2 Medians and Altitudes of Triangles


5-3 Inequalities in One Triangle


5-5 The Triangle Inequality


5-6 Inequality in Two Triangles


6-1 Angles of Polygons


6-2 Parallelograms


6-3 Tests for Parallelograms


6-4 Rectangles


6-5 Rhombi and Squares


6-6 Trapezoids and Kites


7-1 Ratios and Proportions


7-2 Similar Polygons


7-3 Similar Triangles


7-4 Parallel Lines and Proportional Parts


7-5 Parts of Similar Triangles


7-6 Similarity Transformations


7-7 Scale Drawings and Models


8-1 Geometric Mean


8-2 The Pythagorean Theorem and Its Converse


8-3 Special Right Triangles


8-4 Trigonometry


8-5 Angles of Elevation and Depression


8-6 Law of Sines


8-6 The Law of Cosines


8-7 Vectors


9-1 Reflections


9-2 Translations


9-3 Rotations


9-4 Compositions of Transformations


9-5 Symmetry


9-6 Dilations


10-1 Circles and Circumference


10-2 Measuring Angles and Arcs


10-3 Arcs and Chords


10-4 Inscribed Angles


10-5 Tangents